Episode 211 – You Used To Call Me On My Bot-Phone

On this episode, we are in awe of some transforming telephones from Japan, Fans Toys releases some prototype pictures of for their version of a Masterpiece-style Hot Rod, and we get some in-hand images of Takara’s Legends Astrotrain. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by E.J. Su! Want some TransMissions swag? Check out our new online shop, powered by Spreadshirt! (Patreon Supporters, you get a special shop with a 20% discount!) Like what we’re doing and want to help make our podcast even better?  Support us on Patreon or… Continue reading

Episode 210 – Going Berzerk!

On this episode Darryl and Jeremy are joined by Jason Kirk from the podcast Podvocacy. We discuss the new Fans Toys Berserk pictures, leaks from the upcoming Last Knight toy line, and talk about an in-hand review of the oversized knock-off Warbotron. Also, Transformers at a G.I. Joe convention? We’ll have all this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by E.J. Su! Want some TransMissions swag? Check out our new online shop, powered by Spreadshirt! (Patreon Supporters, you get a special shop with a 20% discount!) Like what we’re doing and… Continue reading

Episode 209 – A Real Sqweeker

On this episode, Jeremy talks about Perfect Effect’s third party Optimal Optimus dubbed “Beast Gorira,” Yoshi takes a look at the upcoming Transformers: The Last Knight movie toy radio controlled Sqweeks, and Charles checks out new pictures of Planet X’s third party War for Cybertron-styled Trypticon, Apocalypse. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by E.J. Su! Want some TransMissions swag? Check out our new online shop, powered by Spreadshirt! (Patreon Supporters, you get a special shop with a 20% discount!) Like what we’re doing and want to help make… Continue reading

Episode 208 – Cra Cra Craaazy Carnifex

On this episode, Darryl checks out the Mastermind Creations Carnifex G1 Upgrade Kit, Jeremy digs the new MP-38 Beast Wars Supreme Commander Optimus Primal, and we launch into a brand new contest. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by E.J. Su! Want some TransMissions swag? Check out our new online shop, powered by Spreadshirt! (Patreon Supporters, you get a special shop with a 20% discount!) Like what we’re doing and want to help make our podcast even better?  Support us on Patreon or donate via Paypal! Continue reading

Episode 207 – Phenomenal Philippines

On this episode, we welcome Jen, Also known as Trixter from Iacon Underground, to help us out as we dig into all the Titans Return Wave 4 reveals coming out of the Philippines. We look at the Combiner Wars Optimus Prime toy with the latest Beelzeboss third party upgrade kit, and we marvel at DX9’s War in the Pocket Sonic Wizard, the tiniest, cutest 3rd party Soundwave you’ve ever seen! We have all this and a whole lot of Fangry, on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by E.J. Su! Want some TransMissions swag? Check out… Continue reading

Episode 206 – Giganticus Reigns Supreme

On this episode, we have your picks for the Best of 2016 Transformers Toy Survey results, we check out SXS Toys prototype images for their version of an MTMTE styled Rodimus, and we drool over the new images of Fans Toys colossal Masterpiece-scaled third party version of Omega Supreme. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at www.michaelordway.com!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by… Continue reading

Episode 205 – And To All A Good Night!

On this episode, we talk about DNA Designs’ Masterpiece-styled Bludgeon, get more info on Titans Return Kup, and in KO Korner we are in awe of the oversized and underpriced Warbotron gift set. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at www.michaelordway.com!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by E.J. Su! Want some TransMissions swag? Check out our new online shop, powered by Spreadshirt! (Patreon… Continue reading

Episode 204 – A Megatron For All Seasons

On this episode, GCreation teases new third party IDW-styled Optimus Prime, Prowl, Drift, Stealth Bomber Megatron and more, we get a head-to-head comparison of Hasbro’s Titans Return Powermaster Prime & Takara’s Legends God Ginrai, and we get proof that a knock-off Masterpiece Soundwave is in the works. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at www.michaelordway.com!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by E.J. Su!… Continue reading

Episode 203 – Overshadowed

On this episode, we’re joined by Aaron from WTF @ TFW as we check out some in-hand images of Titans Returns Sky Shadow, Maketoys’ Masterpiece-styled Jazz, and Master Made’s Distorted Scorponok. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at www.michaelordway.com!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work! Donate to Aaron’s Extra Life Campaign and help raise money for sick kids! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Take our Best of 2016 Survey and tell us your pics for the best Transformers toys… Continue reading

Episode 202 – Everything’s Comin’ Up Ginrai

On this episode, we take a look at the upcoming Perfect Effect upgrade kit for Takara Legends Super Ginrai (Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime), we inspect the official images of Masterpiece Inferno repaint Artfire and the Takara Legends God Bomber. And to top it all off, special guest IDW superstar colorist John-Paul Bove returns! All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions! Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube! This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at www.michaelordway.com!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work! Special Thanks to comic book colorist and writer John-Paul Bove (@wordmongerer) for joining us on this week’s show! Check out his creator-owned comic book one-shot UnEarth! This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade… Continue reading