Alt Mode Episode 4 – Finding The Lost Light

On this episode, guest host Dpalm from the MTR Network joins us to geek out on the relaunch of IDW’s More Than Meets The Eye comic series, as we review Lost Light #1. G.I. Joe gets a comic book relaunch with a Transformer, and we get a look at the Transformers: The Last Knight movie poster. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions Alt Mode! This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work! This episode of TransMissions Alt Mode is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by… Continue reading

Alt Mode Episode 3 – Well That’s Just Prime…

On this episode, we review IDW’s Optimus Prime #1 in Comics. Transformers: Lost Light issue #1 gets a RIPT Apparel variant cover, and it’s been recently announced that Transformers: Rescue Bots Season 4 is now available on Netflix. We have all of this and special guest Aaron from WTF@TFW, on this episode of TransMissions Alt Mode! This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work! Donate to Aaron’s Extra Life Campaign and help raise money for sick kids! This episode of TransMissions Alt Mode is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Take our Best of 2016 Survey and tell us your pics… Continue reading

Alt Mode Episode 2 – MTMTE’s Counterrevolution

On this episode, in Comics we review the Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Revolution one-shot, we speculate on the next chapters of the Machinima Transformers Prime Wars Trilogy web series, and we look at the trailer for a  new Transformers mobile game, Transformers: Forged to Fight. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions Alt Mode! This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work! This episode of TransMissions Alt Mode is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Take our Best of 2016 Survey and tell us your pics for the best Transformers toys and comics of 2016!… Continue reading

Alt Mode Episode 1 – TransMissions Generation 2

On this inaugural episode of TransMissions Alt Mode, our new show focused on Transformers comics, media, and pop culture, we do a classic comic review and revisit spotlight Shockwave. We find a surprising connection between the competition reality TV show The Voice and Transformers Generation 2, and in Convention News, Jack Lawrence is set to attend TFNation 2017. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions Alt Mode! This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work! This episode of TransMissions Alt Mode is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONS at checkout for 10% off all regularly priced Transformers-related items! Take our Best of 2016 Survey and tell us… Continue reading