We’re back, the hiatus is over! The battle heats up as Carapace, Sweet Spot, Magnum, and Spindrift take on their deadliest foe yet — a colossal Mechanoworm — while hurtling down the monorail of the Harmonium planet! With the rails shaking beneath them and the world speeding past in a blur, the team must think fast, fight hard, and hold on for dear life. Can they outmaneuver this titanic terror before it derails their mission —literally? Or will they become nothing more than scrap beneath its crushing coils? We want to hear your feedback! Post a comment here or email feedback for Empire Of Rust directly to rust@transmissionspodcast.com! Want some TransMissions swag? Check out our online shop, powered by TeePublic! Like what we’re doing and want to help make our podcast even better? If you already support us, thank you! Continue reading