Best Transformers Comics of 2013

UPDATE: Voting is now closed.  Listen to our New Year’s Eve podcast on December 31, 2013 for the results! It’s been a great year for Transformers Comics. We at the TransMissions Podcast would like to hear from you about what you thought were the best comics that came out this year. We have categories for you to pick the best comic series, single issue, artists, and writers, etc. Please help us by filling out the survey below or at this link.  Thanks for participating and for listening to TransMissions! Voting ends December 18, 2013 8pm EST. Continue reading

Best Transformers Toy of 2013

UPDATE: Voting is now closed. Listen to our New Year’s Eve podcast on December 31, 2013 for the results! We at the TransMissions Podcast were wondering what the Best Transformer toy released in 2013 was. We broke it down into three different categories, sorted through all the crap with help from some popular personalities in the fandom, and we think we’re ready to put it to a vote. Please help us by filling out the survey at this link. Thanks for participating and for listening to TransMissions! Voting ends December 18, 2013 8pm EST. Continue reading