TransMissions Episode 143 – Astrotrain Gets Fancy

g1_box_art_canvas_16x9On this episode, we discuss new images of third party Fancy Cell Toys’ Transportation Captain AKA Astrotrain. We review IDW comics’ Transformers issue #48, and we drool over the Generation 1 box art canvases that have been found for sale at Hobby Lobby stores. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions!

Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube!

This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Throughout the month of December use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONSDECEMBER at checkout for 10% off your order!

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  1. Fancy Cell Toys is indeed the company also known as Machine Boy, and also known as Meng Badi in China. They are a prolific KO producer there, and make KOs of Universe, movie, Alternators and other Transformers toys. About 2 years back they tried to make some cheap Transformers inspired toys in China (I own their not-Springer, called Green Ghost), and this is their first movie into real third party toys. They have also teased possibly toys for Sky Lynx, Omega Supreme and Dia Atlas coming out later. I wonder if maybe the reason they change the company name on thier third party toys was to seperate that line from their cheap KOs released under the Machine Boy and Meng Badi names.

    You can see their cheapo Springer toy here, it had potential, but they needed to make the joints tighter and use standard 5mm pega and holes to make it right, plus it’s a bit skinny:

  2. Another great episode as usual! Warms my heart every time you guys read one of my comments. I do have a few questions for you though.

    1. Darryl, aside from the mistake with the hood, how are you feeling about MP Tracks? Would his mold be good for someone getting into the MP line for the first time? I’ve been debating on getting MP roadrage because I like both her look and the vehicle while also not feeling especially attached to Tracks vs getting the only lady in the MP line, but if it’s not one of the “good” MPs then it’d probably be a bad starting choice. Your thoughts?

    2. How do you join the ps4 group? I tried to a while back but couldn’t find it or figure out how to do it. I’d love to get in on it, I just can’t figure out HOW to do so. Any tips/info would be appreciated!

    Thanks again for putting one of these out every week, you four are awesome!

    • Hey Kasey, it doesn’t look like it’s easy to search for communities on the PS4 (it looks like you can only easily find communities that your friends have already joined), but if you post or email us your PS4 username, I can invite you to join.

    • To join a PS4 community…

      Step 1: Friend someone that is in the Community
      Step 2: After they accept, look under their profile and go to community
      Setp 3: visit the community page, and send a request to join.

      That’s how I did it!

    • Yoshi, are you suggesting that #deepthroating fan fiction should be written in the absence of leaked information? Hmmmmm….

  3. FINALLY !!!!! After such a long time of commenting, I finally get some love in feedback!!!!!! Not that I complaining, but wondered if you guys forgot about me …LOL!!!

  4. Darryl, I think Takara was going for a show accurate feature when it comes to MP Tracks’ hood. Even the engine compartment detail seems to match up.

    • You beat me to it, sir!

      While the body of the car is certainly Corvette-accurate enough to get licensed, the way the hood opens, and the engine itself reference the episode “Make Tracks” from Season 2, when Raoul carjacks him. I was stunned when no one got that, but then I realized “how many people really like Tracks THAT MUCH?” Also, I found it on a TFW2005 post, so I would have been just as guilty!

  5. Also, I really like the figure. It’s pretty much perfect, in my book, except for one flaw. His backpack is big as a house. And he’s not a shell-former by any stretch. It makes no sense. Mooooooooooove over, Human Alliance Sideswipe!

  6. Darryl,

    Just curious about which CW Optimus upgrade you getting, SND or Beelzeboss?

  7. Yoshi, you’ve earned my envy with that box art canvas. I made a bee line to Hobby Lobby in search of it with no luck. (Hobby Lobby Employee: “Huh. I just saw it here.”) It has gone the way of MP Starscream…at least in these parts. Rare as rocking horse shit.

    *Jedi hand wave* You will mail it to me.

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