With the recent news of TFCon, Emerald City Comic Con, and many other conventions canceling due to the COVID-19 crisis we know that many artists are going to be missing a good amount of income they were expecting to earn from these shows. We want to help. We posted on Twitter and Facebook asking for commission information from artists going to these shows so we can spread the word and hopefully make up some of that loss.
If you know any artist that was going to these or any other conventions that is affected, please ask them to send us their commission information and we’ll update this post, talk about it on the podcast, and reblog on social media if they tag us. Lets show everyone how awesome the Transformers community can be!
- Andrew Griffith @glovestudios
- Livio Ramondelli @LivioRamondelli
- Livioramondelliart@yahoo.com is the contact email for commissions.
- Headshots are 50, torsos are 100 and full figures are 200.
- Kei Zama @kei_zama
- Japan domestic delivery only
- Instagram post with contact information.
- Matt Moylan @lilformers
- Apollo @roboapollo
- Erika Skerzz @ErikaGSkerzz
- Hanna Schroy @elefluff
- Kate Leth @kateleth
- Danny Johnson @trineleader
- Inalia @InaliaKitsune
- Sisi @Sisi_Esprit
This list will be updated as we get updates. If you want to send us your commission information, tag us on social media (@trnsmissions / /trnsmissionspodcast) or use our feedback form.