Episode 220 – Two Kups, One TargetMaster

On this episode, we react to the newly announced Takara Legends versions of the Titans Return Sharkticon, Hot Rod, and Kup figures. We’ve got a bunch of new rumors about upcoming Masterpiece toys that may or may not be elaborate April Fools jokes, and non-Megatron G1 robot gun knockoffs take over KO Korner! All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions!

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One Comment

  1. We can all agree that the Takara / Legends line for any figure series is always better with their paint . color scheme. The difference between the Hasbro and Takara Gnaw is a great example. The Legends has a better metal type scheme to it than the Hasbro does. I really like the Hot Rod and may try and pick him up. The Kup I not so sure about though I do like that he a targetmaster. Which more than likely will be the main reason people get him just for the targetmaster figure alone and maybe use the Kup as a custom or something.
    Something I have wondered mostly is why is the price point so high for the Takara Legends versions of figures normally at least double the price of the Hasbro release. I can understand for some reasons like the Ginrai Powermaster Prime and these Hot Rod and Kup figures being Targetmasters instead of Hea….I mean Titan Masters. I can understand the paint being the main difference as well weather they use a better quality paint.

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