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On this episode of TransMissions Extra we are joined by our editor supreme, Michael Ordway, as we talk about retrogaming. What are our favorite old games and systems? Listen to find out!
What is TransMissions: Extra!?
We usually spend the first 30 minutes of our TransMissions Skype call talking about other random topics before we record the main show. TransMissions Extra! is our a more organized discussion of these topics recorded into a short podcast of its own. We hope you enjoy TransMissions Extra!
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Favorite retro game == TMNT turtles in time on SNES
Favorite retro game == TMNT turtles in time on SNES
woah that was strange, sorry for the double comment!
My video gaming began on a Coleco Telstar Ranger system in the 70s, then moved to a Commodore PET at school, and a C64 at home, then went up to a C128, Amiga 500 and 1200.
I used to have emulations for NES and MSDos gaming on my Amiga 1200. I currently own a cheapo Chinese handheld NES and SNES emulator and I have a retro Pong system set up in the living room.
I had several favorites though mostly the same kind of game…
NES …. Final Fantasy , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all 3 games
SNES ….TMNT Turltes in Time , Mario RPG ( rented it for over a month at the rental store )
Did any of you guys play Street Fighter X Megaman? It’s a classic 8-bit Megaman game with Street Fighter characters in place of the Robot Masters. It has new stages and enemies, as well as 8-bit renditions of classic Strret Fighter tunes. It was created by a fan. Capcom officially endorsed it and released it for free. Unfortunately, it is PC only. But, it’s worth checking out if you love Megaman and/or Street Fighter.
Hey Rik,
I did download this game, but I didn’t get to play much of it. It was a cool concept though! Here’s the link to download it for anyone interested: http://www.capcom-unity.com/mega_man
I really wish I had been available for this episode because I had a lot to contribute. Maybe we can revisit it in the future.