TransMissions Extra! Episode 11 – Roll (A 20-Sided Die) For It

On this episode of TransMissions Extra!, Yoshi takes us on a fantastic journey into the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Pen-and-paper role playing games offer a unique social experience unlike board games or video games, and is a great way to exercise the imagination. Are you a fan of D&D or RPGs in general? Let us know with your feedback!

What is TransMissions: Extra!?
We usually spend the first 30 minutes of our TransMissions Skype call talking about other random topics before we record the main show. TransMissions Extra! is a more organized discussion of these topics recorded into a short podcast of its own. We hope you enjoy TransMissions Extra!

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  1. D&D is a great game, I don’t play like I use to which makes me miss it even more!! Have you guys ever played or heard of these games?? Settlers of Catan , Runebound, Dominion , and Carcassion ? Those are other great board games that I love to play!! What about the card game versions that are like D&D like Munchkin , Fluxx , or a game that even my girls like to play called 7 Dragons. (though it is more of a matching game than anything). Let me know guys!!!

  2. Hey Dinobot,

    I hav eplayed Settlers of Catan, Dominion, and Carcassion and enjoy them very much. Sometimes when I play these games I even win!

    I haven’t heard of Runebound before. I might have to look into that.

    I’m not much of a fan of card game. I absolutely hate Munchkin, but everyone I know, including my wife, loves it.

    • Runbound is a D&D game!! You can play it alone or up to 6 players. I can take some images of the game and send them to you if you like. Like D&D there are several versions out there. I have the 2nd Edition Riseof the Dragon Lords. Like D&D you start of with a character and get into fights to level up until you feel you are strong enough to take on the Dragon Lords. I have played it several times with friends and love the game.

      What versions of Catan have you played? I have the original with the expansion. I have played Pirates , Knights , and Barbarians versions. I also have 2 other 4 player only versions. One is Germany and the other America Railways. Both are fun. Though unlike the original you can’t change anything on them. If you would like I can send you photos of those too. Maybe one day at a Con or something we can all meet up and play. Though at a Con I know that would be very difficult

      • I should also say I have a Transformers Tabletop D&D game . I haven’t gotten to play it in years. I might try and start something if you guys are interested.

        • Hey Dinobot,

          I’ve played Original Catan and Star Trek Catan.

          Currently the version of D&D I’m really in love with is an Old School clone called ‘Swords & Wizardry’. The best part about it is that it’s free.

          Even thought I’m really into Swords & Wizardry right now, I still buy other game books and read them.

          • I forgot about Star Trek Catan!! I have played once maybe twice at the most though!! I have been looking for a version I saw in a store once but passed on it. I wish I hadn’t now. It was Catan : Rome based on the Roman Empire. I almost bought but decided to wait because I was technically on vacation and didn’t want to have to have the extra stuff to carry back. I have looked for it since (though it has been a while since I have) and found it selling on Ebay for $80. When I could have gotten it from the store for 30. I was like …..CRAP!

  3. The first RPG I ever played was actually Palladium’s Robotech RPG, which I bought because I was a fan of the TV series. From there I learned what RPGs were, and quickly expanded into other Palladium games, AD&D, Marvel Super Heroes, Champions, Cyberpunk, Warhammer and many more.

    Loved this TV series as a kid, and still enjoy it. Plus great TF voice actors are featured in it.

    • I want to run the Marvel Super heroes game one day. I haven’t had any luck with modern super hero RPGs. I hope going old school will be better.

      • MSH is diametrically the opposite of Champions RPG in game mechanics. Marvel is based on all percentile rolls, powers center on special effect, and then you make different powers based on them. Starting characters are generated randomly.

        Champions RPF is based on D6 rolls, powers center on effect, special effect is a minor consideration, Starting characters are written by the players based on a highly strict point based system.

        Yet other than those things, the game setting for MSH and Champions is nearly identical! Like the both took different roads to get to the same location.

  4. Dualmirroredgridwork

    Ooooh, just for a moment I was about to go off that Palladium books was not mentioned here at all…that is until I saw Matthews comment on the robotech rpg!
    (this will be the part I get my Palladium books soap box out and im gonna stand FIRM, so you have all been warned, this will be comparable to my other feed back beasts responses, but this, in a fashion.. is the progenitor of it in a sorts…I suggest you all better get ready!)
    For me too (again like matt) the robotech RPG my first “avenue” to the experience we call roleplaying, I being the “stat guy” loved the info on the mecha ship, and of course the SCALE aspect of it, it gave to me insight on how things would fit into that universe,EX: how many missiles did it carry, what is its top speed,how many decks does it have, how much did it weight,etc,etc
    BTW you all know harmony gold would NEVER make source material over this fine show, but they will ride the coattails of its success, but to me that part is looking A LOT ragged by now, but my love over the source material is a core part of why I LOVE PALLADIUM BOOKS!!
    (Yes kevin I think you’re the father of me being a ,ahem, “scale whore”, so yes, you ARE THE FATHER!!!)
    But when I did collect the ENTIRE LINE,and yes its kinda a weird but good book, lancers rockers as well, I found out about rifts, so me and my longtime friend mark went to a macron (Multiple Alternate Realities CONvention) in the early to mid-90s and I looked at a table that had palladium books on it, opened the rifts core books, leafed thru it, and then told the dealer I wanted one copy of the ENTIRE TABLE and dropped $300 .., mark caught up with me , took a look at the two armfuls I was carrying and said “good lord, we haven’t BEEN HERE FIVE MINUTES!!!
    I just looked at him and smiled…and struggled with my books to his car..and a new chapter of history began
    So I did a lot of reading the next few days, learned about what rifts was more about, studied more of it and learned that the characters in rifts were CROSS COMPATIABLE with robotech and the entire other palladium line of fine products as well..this was a little too much for me at the time, so in the rpg system you could have a dragon from palladium fantasy fight a VF-1s, a cyclone squad fight a team of ogers, or if you follow history and military be in the swamps in ‘nam in recon, be a super hero/villan in heros or villians unlimited, or recently speaking get your survival umbrella out for dead reign..its ALL A UNIVERSAL GAME SYSTEM!!!
    As they say at palladium, “the possibilities are endless”…
    THEN CAME THE YEAR, May of 2000, mark calls me and said “guess whos coming to macron?… Kevin Siembieda is GONNA BE THERE, the OWNER OF PALLADIUM BOOKS!!!after a quick clean up of my pants, I began to lay my plans down in my somewhat like megatron in the 86 movie, I spear headed the dealer room,ignored everything else in my path..
    And found him,I have not had a idea in my head on what he looked like but he was there signing books away with a small crowd around him, so I had my chance..I kept the body count low shoving a small child or two away…just kidding, but there he was talking to fans and chatting it up in such a friendly fashion ,it was hard to believe, he was so personable to his fans..i swallowed my lump of fear in my throat and said “I need to shake the hand of the father who’s kid I help put into collage” he stopped took a look at me, and let out a big belly laugh…we talked for a few moments and then he said that he had a q n a panel to go to and that I should come to it…
    (like he needed to ask me)
    So I took my stack of robotech books and some rifts as well, at that time is was a small collection around 40-or 50 books then, he said on how he loved the show and that he Really wanted to get the license to do it it (at this time they also did teenage mutant ninja turtles, and a few others) he was impressed on how much I had studied the robootech books and research he had to do it, then he and his wife (at the time) signed them all…it was like I was next to primus or something..and I am standing next to the person whom shaped my love for rpgs,stats, and of course, SCALE!!!
    So now 15+ years later, a lot of ups and downs for palladium books, a divorce for kevin, personal tragedy, and a few other things I won’t mention, but palladiums been around for 30 + years and still growing/doing strong even with all the bumps in the road.
    Well,its nice to know I still got the feedback beast, or is this the father version, who knows? But I could NOT call myself a fan of palladium books and not state my love of it here!
    Now only can I shove him over the “license cliff” to do a transformers based palladium book product…
    Heres hoping
    (PS kev if you do read this, im STILL waiting on mechanoid space, what is it up to now,20 + years??!)

  5. Dualmirroredgridwork

    SWEET PRIMUS, I almost forgot, you’ve NEVER seen/played a RPG until you have played with a kevin ran palladium game, and some of the best times is when he runs the 30 player groups at once,it’s a TRUE BLAST!!!

  6. dualmirroredgridwork

    Ok let it be known then,I’ll state my love for palladium books,I put you to sleep…
    And that maybe I should teach a class at a local collage!!!
    Sorry c beast,I do loves me some good readin’,and having at/around 250-300 rpg books, palladium has it!

  7. I started back in elementary school, got the red box of D&D, no advanced to start. I still have the original set of dice. Later on it was AD&D 2nd Edition (go THAC0!!) and specifically the Forgotten Realms. I was DM at that point, it was an interactive novel and damn didn’t my players try some off the wall ideas during the War of the Gods. Tried all the campaigns from Greyhawk (meh), Ravenloft (good at first), Spell Jammer (fun in a star trek way) and Dark Sun (ran out of steam) & of course DragonLance (hard to work around the legends)
    We also got into a bit of TMNT, Battletech and Shadow Run.
    When I moved to a new house as my first child was on the way, I donated all my thousands of dollars of gear… I still regret that…

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