TransMissions Episode 131 – NYCC Vindication!

Sentinel-Prime-Robot_16x9On this episode, we enjoy the afterglow of New York Comic Con and the vindication of our insider source, Deep Throating! We also talk about our time with the new video game Transformers: Devastation, and we respond to a bunch of great listener feedback this week. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions!

Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube!

This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work!

This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Throughout the month of October use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONSOCTOBER at checkout for 10% off your order!

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Show Notes:

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  1. Glad my thread on TFW2005 was handy. Most people didn’t seem to know about these rumors on TFW until I started a thread about it. Question for your source. Now what some of the reveals have happens, can the Transmissions cast reveal some of the photo they were leaked?

    • We’ll ask, but I doubt it. A photo is something that could / would most definitely make it’s way back to Hasbro, and that would be the last thing we’d want. But we’ll ask… you never know, maybe one or two of the photos we were given are in wide enough release that it wouldn’t be possible to get back to our source.

      • Like those nude photos of the Beast floating around usernet. They have been out there long enough and shared so many times that Darryl could never trace down who actually was the original leaker. Really should have water marked those buddy.

  2. dualmirroredgridwork

    May be it’s me,but deep throating sounds..familiar to me,I’m glad you guys were right with your predictions ( with the help from dt) bit I hope the comics won’t SUCK with the titans return tag line

    I’ll bet it does,and yaks right Galvatron a headmaster, COME ON,HAS ANYONE ELSE HEARD HIM BITCHING ABOUT THAT TECH IN THE COMIC !?
    I love ya idw,but I hope you can intertwine this one a bit better .

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