Things are getting Spooky at the TransMissions base of operations, so I chose to have a little fun with this weeks list by writing it on black paper. You got a problem with that? Tough! This week’s list of names from episode 73 of TransMissions. So check out #TheOnlyListThatCounts to see if you made my list!
If you made my list you’re welcome.
Thanks to the following people who all wrote to TransMissions. You have been inked on paper and all live rent free in my brain.
- herooftheday360
- Kass Schell
- Tom Lynch
- Mathew Ignash
- Jacob
- Rob Peirson (@robpeirson)
- Dinobot Maximize
- Dual Mirrored Gridwork
- Karubah (@karubah)
- Fightforyourlife Andrew
- Richform04-Transfan & MLPFIM
Glad to make the list yet again!!! It truly is the Only List That Counts!! Though I think I wouldn’t mind getting one the 2nd Most Important List. That being Charles’s Hug List!!!