Our listener feedback means the world to us. In thanks, I’ve created a list for Episode 64. If you wrote into us, I wrote your name down on my list. Check it out!
We really love hearing from you. Keep it up. I want to get so many commentators on our podcast that I need to make two lists. Make this happen!
This week’s list includes some great comments from the following classy as fuck people.
- Dinobot Maximize
- Thenoble117
- Wizatron
- MRussell19 (@markrs19)
- Tom Proscia (@Tommypapers35)
- Fightforyourlife Andrew
- tri Klops
- Tacoma Prime
- Karubah (@karubah)
- Mathew Ignash (RetroRobotRadio)
- Dual Mirrored Gridwork (@DMG1001)
- Zach
- Joe Teanby