Yoshi’s List For Episode 62

It’s been a long time coming, but today you all get to see that I really do create a handwritten list of all the names of listeners who leave us feedback.


All of you who have written in kind words, suggestions, or advice to the show means everything to us. TransMissions is a huge team effort that takes hours upon hours to record, edit, and produce each episode. Sometimes at the end of the week, when our brains are completely fried, it’s your words of thanks that keeps us going. That’s why we ask all our listeners to let us know what they think of our show. Its motivational mana that holds the whole thing together.


This week I want to thank:

If you want to know why RD_Blade has hearts around his name. Well, you’ll just have to listen to the show.

– Yoshi


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One Comment

  1. I feel honoured to finally make the list! 😀
    Listened to the show today. I thought I’d made a mistake when I posted my iTunes review. Who knew international feedback was a thing???
    Keep up the awesome podcast!

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